Posts Tagged ‘tax returns’

…the Bleacherman has entered the stadium…

Much is being said and made of Mitt Romney’s refusal to release his tax returns for a period of more than the last two years.  Obviously, such act of omission has led to a wide range of speculations about just what is being hidden from public view.  I think, in the end, this will turn out to me more hype that fact but none-the-less, Romney’s refusal does rightly give credibility to the speculations that he is hiding some very interesting things from public view and scruitney.

I will go on record to say that if the light of public scrutiny is ever shinned on Mitt’s tax returns, the first thing that will jump out is that there will be nothing illegal or sinister for salivating minds to feast upon.  What it will show is that capitalism has many dark sides and many toxic byproducts and one of those carcinogens is a tax code that truly favors the rich.  There are tax loopholes available to the wealthy among us that would boggle the average taxpayers mind.  Think about it; Mitt owns a show horse that he claims as a business tax deduction.  I think I read that he claimed a $77,000 deduction for his horse and using the current tax code translates to Mitt not paying $26,000 in actually taxes.

Now in the big picture $26,000 is not a lot of money but tell me, just what can $26,000 actually buy for a country in need.  After some general research, I can tell you that this $26,000 could pay for 13,000 meals for the elderly and poor.  Think about the school supplies that could be bought by this tax deduction.  The list goes on.  All this in exchange of a horse who is off to compete in the Olympics.

Note to reader:  I am not suggesting that Mitt took an illegal deduction.  It probably is legal but look at the fucking logic.  Why is a show horse a legitimate business tax deduction?  How many people in middle class America have their own show horse?  It is just a benefit written just for the rich.  It is the law but is it fair?

And how one defines “fair” as it applies to tax policy is the issue.

Romney is hiding his tax returns.  What is more important and one that has not caught the eye of cable news is that he, Mitt,  is ALSO hiding specifics on how he is going to make his previously announced tax plan fiscally neutral.  Extension of the Bush Tax Cuts will cost the country $800 billion over the next ten years.  An across the board 20% tax deduction will cost another $3.2 trillion.  That is a whopping $4.2 trillion in lost/reduced revenue and let me tell you, if you cut government spending by $4.2 trillion you will see an immediate, devastating and irreversible economic implosion.   The resulting economic consequence will make the depression of the 1920’s look like a minor hiccup.

Romney has said he was going to tell us how he was going to offset his tax cuts by ending certain programs and tax loopholes.  WHEN?  The day after the election?

Mitt has two questions to answer and he needs to answer them now.:What are you hiding in your tax returns and what loopholes are you going to close to offset a massive 20% tax deduction?  What government programs are you going to close?  Enough with the overview; you promised specifics and damn it, now is the time for specifics.

What are you running from?  What are you hiding?  And why?

…the Bleacherman has left the stadium…

…the Bleacherman has entered the stadium…

There is no question in anyone’s mind that the 2012 Presidential campaign’s overall tone has turned into a dialogue that is very nasty, offensive and just plain revolting.  What we are seeing and hearing sounds more like the tenor and theme of a Fox News broadcast filled with character assassinations instead of a debate that addresses the merits and specifics of the real issues that we face today.  It seems as if our country’s most critical challenges have been demoted to a AAA minor league level.

Extremely important issues like the economy, job creation, foreign policy and the national debt have been replaced by issues relevant but none-the-less of lesser importance.  Today the news headlines focus on Romney’s tenure (or lack thereof) at Bain Capital and his refusal to release tax returns and on Obama’s reported use of recreational drugs as a teenager, his asserted taking advantage of affirmative action to get into and advance through college, his ‘hatred’ of America, his inability to be an American and his place of birth.

Disgusting.  Just disgusting.

But what we must remember is politics is, has been and always will be nasty.  It is the nature of the beast.  In the 1800 campaign, the country’s first contested presidential election, supporters of Thomas Jefferson claimed incumbent John Adams wanted to marry off his son to the daughter of King George III, creating an American dynasty under British rule.  Almost sounds like right wing radio ranting.

In the 1884 race, Republicans accused the Democratic candidate, New York Gov. Grover Cleveland, of fathering an illegitimate child.  Almost sounds like the 2000 Republican primary campaign where a sinister rumor was leaked to the press alleging that John McCain fathered a bastard black child.

And one cannot overlook the 2004 swift boat attack on John Kerry.  Most of what was portrayed against Kerry was pure fiction and absolute slander but there was no way for Kerry to fight back the tidal wave of a well-financed, well executed political attack.

The truth of the matter is that we, the American constituency, gave birth to this environment and every election cycle reinforce the use of such negativity.  Everyone loves to complain about negative ads but the truth, undeniable and unavoidable, is that negative ads work.  It is a fact of life and until they do not work, until voters rally against and ignore negative ads, political campaigns will continue to use these tactics because they work.  Political election managers  may spit out the taste of this tactic at the end of the day but none-the-less will not hesitate to use a negative ad tactically and strategically to win an election.  So let us be honest; blame who is at fault and we, the voting constituency of this country, are at fault.

We must also put blame on talk radio and the super PACS who seem to believe they exist in some alien, existential environment and can say and do what they want yet insulate their candidates from assuming any responsibility for the PAC’s insulting, vile and vicious commentaries.

Mitt Romney has no right to call a foul on Obama after what Romney’s super PAC did to Newt Gingrich and his other primary opponents.  I still can see Romney standing at a podium pleading innocence over the negative advertising being blasted by super PACs aligned to his campaign.  “Blame them, not me,” was the mantra he offered Gingrich.  “I’m nice so blame them. I have no control over their activities and the content of their message.”

Yeah, and Santa Claus is a left handed fast ball pitcher who will bring a World Series to Wrigley Field.

So in closing here is my question to Mitt Romney:  If you want to get back to talking about the economy then when are you going to release all the specifics of your proposed new and job stimulating tax plan?  We’re still waiting for where you’re spending cuts are going to take place and where you’re new tax brackets fall.

So, if you want civil discourse; shut the likes of Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh up and bring forth the specifics and details of your economic game plan.  Then and only then do you and your wife have the right to complain about the tone of the political discourse.

…the Bleacherman has left the stadium…