Posts Tagged ‘Sean Hannity’

…the Bleacherman has entered the stadium

In the words of Bob Dylan, ..”the times they are a changin.”

Democracy and the rule of law has been hijacked. What was once was a free and independent news media now charges for the right to be read and there is no such thing as independent in today’s political mindset. You are or lean liberal or your are or lean conservative. There is no middle, there is no center, there is no integrity. It is all about the ministry of politics. It is all about preaching political ideology through the art and science of mass propaganda. The press and news media is no longer independent, fair, balanced and politically neutral.

On the left is MSNBC, the right, Fox News Network. Somewhere bouncing back and forth between the two is CNN, who seem to concentrate on broadcasting erroneous details of the day’s latest breaking news tragedy.

(How long do we have to watch CNN’s round the clock coverage of the missing Malaysian Flight 370. It seems as if their prevailing motto is now, “if there is nothing to report, let’s regurgitate the old and serve it in a different format.”

But I digress. I must focus on the nightly propaganda wars.

It is apparent that in the myopic eyes and feeble minds of the minions who blindly and ignorantly follow Fox News’ Sean Hannity and his crew of anti-everything liberal, mobocracy has now become their equivalent of patriotism. In their unique gospel of political science, if a law or government policy is not liked, citizens have an inherent right to simply ignore it. It really is quite simple;
label what government action is deemed unacceptable as being either unconstitutional and/or a gross and offensive over-reach by the Federal government. Assemble a few dozen like-minded gun carrying enthusiasts and call upon the new media to cover the story.

Such action is eagerly and passionately embraced by the propagandists on the right. Anarchy is not only alive and well over at Fox, but is praised and even worshipped.

And since this is the appropriate time for such considerations, I think that it is time to resurrect the likes of Emma Goldman and Sasha Berkman.

Case in point: Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who owes the Federal government hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees for having his cattle graze on federally owned and controlled land for over twenty years, decided to confront the government when federal authorities engaged in efforts to seize his cattle to satisfy part of the debt he owed the government.

It seems that Cliven, whose own 160 acre ranch is too small to sustain his large herd of cattle, decided to just unilaterally use Federal land to feed his cattle. Where other ranchers paid a fair price for the use of other federal land to graze their herds, Cliven Bundy, who does not recognize the authority of the Federal government, just ignored prevailing law and went about his business and let his cattle graze on land that was legally not his. For free! And now he has the audacity to complain about Federal government’s over-reach.

Bundy’s endless trash talk focuses it vitriolic rhetoric on the all powerful, all ominous, all evil and overtly tyrannical government that resides in Washington, D.C.. Yes, you know the one. The one that is comprised of one President, one Vice-President, one-hundred Senators and four hundred and thirty-five House of Representative delegates all of whom were elected by a vote OF THE PEOPLE.

So this past weekend, rancher Bundy decided to get together a bunch of similar thinking white folks, armed them with lethal automatic weapons, megaphones and video cameras and sent them out to defy federal authorities. Bundy made sure that the media was out in force to record the anticipated confrontation.

So sure that the Federal authorities would not just react but violently over-react, Bundy, a coward and a crook to the very core, made sure that the women of his little army of insurrectionists were in front of the line as his group assembled so that when the government -as they hoped -react to the growing defiance the cameras and news media would broadcast and forever memorialize a scene of battered and bleeding women lying on the ground. Bundy and his militia could then turn and produce a fund raiding video filled with a plethora of sympathy (and fund raising) images of a tyrannical government at work.

Can you imagine what the commentators at the Anarchy News Network would have done with THOSE pictures. Sean Hannity would be walking around with a hard on and a wicked smile plastered on his face for weeks. Gretchen Carlson would be in orgasmic heaven. Fox News would double its viewership and increase its advertising rates. On the radio, Rush Limbaugh would get so exited that he would start having oral sex with the golden microphone that is always positioned but inches from his fat face.

I want to know exactly what did the government do that reflected an over-reached its authority. I want to know what is tyrannical about charging for the use of federal government land. I want to know how one simply disavows the existence of a federal authority that has been around for two hundred and thirty eight years.

And how does Grand Wizard Hannity shout about the constitutionality of Obamacare and then goes out and advocates a doctrine of “if you don’t like the law, ignore it.”

But I guess a man like Hannity is simply the idiot racist that he says he is not. I mean, when he sees one old black man, dressed in black, wearing a black beret and sunglasses, carrying an old shotgun as a national terrorist threat but when he sees dozens of white guys, dressed for a square dance and carrying quite lethal automatic weapons while confronting sworn law enforcement officers he considers them liberty loving patriots. Something must be askew ad not right in Hannity World.

Hell, in the sixties when people marched in the streets of American cities armed with signs and flowers in their hair, they were called Communists and anti-American.

So whose America is this? Sean Hannity’s? The Anarchists?

…the Bleacherman has left the stadium…

…the Bleacherman has entered stadium…having just left the nursery where the GOP are crying like frustrated babies…

The election is over.  Obama has won, Romney has lost.  Obama won the Electoral College vote by a very large number and the popular vote by a slim margin yet a margin that represents support by a majority of those Americans who voted in the election.

In eyes of Republicans, this was not supposed to happen.  This was not the happy ending they expected.  This was not how the world is supposed to be.  Shell-shocked Republicans seem to believe that their Christian God has forsaken them.  They believe that their Angels of Prophecy, Dick Morris and Rush Limbaugh, have lied to them. They believe blasphemy has been committed.  The Angel of Hell is now riding the New York subway; hide the women, save the children.  Or is that hide the money and save the art collection? I get confused when the term “values” is brought into a conversation when Republicans are involved.  In their unique world, values somehow becomes a very fluid and moving target and difficult to define.

But I am compelled to address the political in-fighting and finger pointing that is evolving into a war right in front of me.  Romney lost when most in the Republican Party not only thought he would win but unequivocally knew that Romney would win and win big in a landslide. Less than a week since the election and the blame game goes nuclear.  Conventional wisdom demands that someone needs to be blamed and burned at the stake for a loss that everyone in the Republican Party claims never to have seen it coming.  And pundits and politicians don’t seem to be at a loss for whom to blame.

Fox News’ Bill O’ Reilly, a man of a lot of words and little wisdom, said it best.  He said that white, old man America is losing its power and prestige in this country.  The good old boys club is crumbling. People of color are taking over his America.  And Bill-O does not like that.

In this new order (which old white men like Bill-O fear), blacks can vote and on all levels of life operate on equal par with their former white masters, women can emancipate themselves from the kitchen and the bedroom to successfully run major corporations, Latinos are capable of achievements far beyond just knowing how to use a gas air blower and Asians do more than just make great sushi.  (I know I left out many cultures and I apologize to all but do acknowledge your contributions to an expanding and growing America.)

David Frum blames what he calls the conservative entertainment complex.  He claims that because of a small group of people who operate from an entirely different and self-serving agenda, the GOP had lost sight of reality and was drinking its own Kool Aid. Radio and television personalities spent years hovering over the periphery of American politics.  They focused on birth certificates, ideological labels, make-believe layoffs and a myriad of other inconsequential matters and in the end did nothing but offer up a menu of lies, distortions and pure unadulterated bull shit that took the focus away from real issues.  People like Dick Morris and Newt Gingrich made outrageous claims of landslide victories that were reinforced by talking heads and Fox blondes who sought to will an outcome rather than to report objectively on the election itself.  They chose to disbelief the ‘main street’ media because in the end they believed their own lies.

Along with the finger pointers comes the sore losers.  Sean Hannity on Wednesday said Americans deserve the government they voted for.  The temper tantrum continued when the little boy proclaimed that “America now deserves Barack Obama – good luck with that.”  Sean then took his ball and ran home.  He didn’t want to play with the other boys and girls anymore.

Ted Nugent was not too happy when President Barack Obama was reelected, so he took to Twitter to denounce the “pimps,” “whores” and “welfare brats” who re-elected the President.

Ex-Judge and resident Fox News Intellectual Andrew P. Napolitan, sobbing uncontrollably, wrote an editorial where he said, “Only in America can a president who inherits a deep recession and whose policies have actually made the effects of that recession worse get re-elected. Only in America can a president who wants the bureaucrats who can’t run the Post Office to micromanage the administration of every American’s health care get re-elected. Only in America can a president who kills Americans overseas who has never been charged or convicted of a crime get re-elected. And only in America can a president who borrowed and spent more than $5 trillion in fewer than four years, plans to repay none of it and promises to borrow another $5 trillion in his second term get re-elected.”

In conclusion, he asks, “what’s going on here?”

Well I’ll tell you what is going on!  What is going on is that I, an informed voter, believed that Obama was better suited to run this country for the next four years.  I am neither a pimp, whore or welfare brat.  I have a Master’s Degree in Economics.  I am neither a communist nor a socialist.  I am white, a member of the Judeo-Christian cult and more or less main stream.  I am a veteran, fought for this country and I still love it.  So I ask all of you cry babies to stop having a temper tantrum and stop condemning me for how I voted.

We live in a democracy and I have the right to choose my elected officials.  So stop making America into your Christian, White man Fascist State.  Stop I ask you again to stop condemning and belittling me for how I voted.  You can disagree on ideological grounds but don’t demean me because I see the world differently than you do.  You have no license when it comes to being right, you have no special vision granted to you because Fox is stupid enough to grant you either your own show or air time on radio or television.  You are no better or smarter than I am.  Period.  So I ask you all to grow up and stop your little temper tantrum.  If you want to leave this country then go ahead, take you toys and hatred and leave the sandbox  – the sandbox your tax dollar built so all Americans, regardless of race, religion or color, can enjoy its utility.

…the Bleacherman has left the stadium…



…the Bleacherman has entered the stadium…

There is no question in anyone’s mind that the 2012 Presidential campaign’s overall tone has turned into a dialogue that is very nasty, offensive and just plain revolting.  What we are seeing and hearing sounds more like the tenor and theme of a Fox News broadcast filled with character assassinations instead of a debate that addresses the merits and specifics of the real issues that we face today.  It seems as if our country’s most critical challenges have been demoted to a AAA minor league level.

Extremely important issues like the economy, job creation, foreign policy and the national debt have been replaced by issues relevant but none-the-less of lesser importance.  Today the news headlines focus on Romney’s tenure (or lack thereof) at Bain Capital and his refusal to release tax returns and on Obama’s reported use of recreational drugs as a teenager, his asserted taking advantage of affirmative action to get into and advance through college, his ‘hatred’ of America, his inability to be an American and his place of birth.

Disgusting.  Just disgusting.

But what we must remember is politics is, has been and always will be nasty.  It is the nature of the beast.  In the 1800 campaign, the country’s first contested presidential election, supporters of Thomas Jefferson claimed incumbent John Adams wanted to marry off his son to the daughter of King George III, creating an American dynasty under British rule.  Almost sounds like right wing radio ranting.

In the 1884 race, Republicans accused the Democratic candidate, New York Gov. Grover Cleveland, of fathering an illegitimate child.  Almost sounds like the 2000 Republican primary campaign where a sinister rumor was leaked to the press alleging that John McCain fathered a bastard black child.

And one cannot overlook the 2004 swift boat attack on John Kerry.  Most of what was portrayed against Kerry was pure fiction and absolute slander but there was no way for Kerry to fight back the tidal wave of a well-financed, well executed political attack.

The truth of the matter is that we, the American constituency, gave birth to this environment and every election cycle reinforce the use of such negativity.  Everyone loves to complain about negative ads but the truth, undeniable and unavoidable, is that negative ads work.  It is a fact of life and until they do not work, until voters rally against and ignore negative ads, political campaigns will continue to use these tactics because they work.  Political election managers  may spit out the taste of this tactic at the end of the day but none-the-less will not hesitate to use a negative ad tactically and strategically to win an election.  So let us be honest; blame who is at fault and we, the voting constituency of this country, are at fault.

We must also put blame on talk radio and the super PACS who seem to believe they exist in some alien, existential environment and can say and do what they want yet insulate their candidates from assuming any responsibility for the PAC’s insulting, vile and vicious commentaries.

Mitt Romney has no right to call a foul on Obama after what Romney’s super PAC did to Newt Gingrich and his other primary opponents.  I still can see Romney standing at a podium pleading innocence over the negative advertising being blasted by super PACs aligned to his campaign.  “Blame them, not me,” was the mantra he offered Gingrich.  “I’m nice so blame them. I have no control over their activities and the content of their message.”

Yeah, and Santa Claus is a left handed fast ball pitcher who will bring a World Series to Wrigley Field.

So in closing here is my question to Mitt Romney:  If you want to get back to talking about the economy then when are you going to release all the specifics of your proposed new and job stimulating tax plan?  We’re still waiting for where you’re spending cuts are going to take place and where you’re new tax brackets fall.

So, if you want civil discourse; shut the likes of Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh up and bring forth the specifics and details of your economic game plan.  Then and only then do you and your wife have the right to complain about the tone of the political discourse.

…the Bleacherman has left the stadium…