Posts Tagged ‘slut’

the Bleacherman has entered the stadium…

“It’s dysfunctional and the political paralysis has overtaken the environment to the detriment of the good of this country.  It’s very, very difficult to resolve major issues.”

So says now retiring Maine Senator Olympia Snowe and so offers a unique commentary on the effects of “hatred politics.”

Politics has become very personal in this country.  It is no longer about disagreements over ideology or policy.  It – the very act of governing – has devolved into nothing short of warfare.  Like children playing in a sandbox, political debates – once filled with the best of what the English language could offer – is now a diatribe of name calling and character assassinations.  The Limbaugh’s of the world call women sluts because they are concerned about the cost of birth control.  Santorum wants to vomit because he read JFK’s speech on the separation of government and religion.  Gingrich labels President Obama dangerous.  Senator McConnell proclaims that the Republicans in the Senate want only to make sure that Obama is a one term President and care little about the state of the Union they represent.

Sick people should die if they cannot afford to pay for their own health care costs, soldiers, defending America in Iraq are booed because they are gay and women should submit to all sorts of personal indignities because their beliefs are different than those of the cabal of white old men who run the American congress.

And today the insanity became even more lethal and demeaning than ever before.  Just look at the latest vile and vicious rant by Rush Limbaugh.  Calling a young lady a slut because she wants assistance in paying for birth control crosses every known line of decency and yet the GOP candidates say nothing which proves that they at best are vote-seeking whores.  They will bend over for anyone who can help them get votes.

America will never regain its former glory because its former glory was a reflection of the civility that served as the backbone of our wonderful democracy.  America is returning to the era where the likes of Father Coughlin ruled the airwaves.  And the American political right is filling the stands to cheer on such rhetoric.

Question to Rick Santorum:  If your God is one of compassion and kindness then why are you not vomiting over Limbaugh’s words?  Or are you just a whore as well whose only knowledge of decency is hidden by your hypocrisy?

Question to Mitt Romney:  You say you are one of us, the common folk, but where is your outrage over Limbaugh’s comments?  Or since Rush is super rich and part of your 1% family of friends, you simply choose to hide in the shadows of your own eagerness to be his whore?

Question to Newt Gingrich:  Do you have any decency left in you?  You claim to be a man of God, a God that has forgiven you for your past transgressions.  If so, why do you not defend Ms. Fluke who did not deserve such character assassination?  Or are character assassinations only off limits when you are the character being assassinated by Romney’s hit men?  Or are you too, Rush’s whore?

It is written (and I am using something I found on Wikipedia) …compassion is a virtue — one in which the emotional capacities of empathy and sympathy (for the suffering of others) are regarded as a part of love itself, and a cornerstone of greater social interconnection and humanism — foundational to the highest principles in philosophy, society, and personhood.

So to all of you who wear your belief in God as if it actually had any real meaning other than pandering for votes…why the silence?  Why do you run and hide?  If Ms. Fluke is a slut…then you men are surely man whores for pandering your soul to Rush Limbaugh.

the Bleacherman has left the stadium…knowing that for those who speak the loudest in proclaiming the greatness of God are those who know not the meaning of being Godly…