Posts Tagged ‘Michelle Backman’

The battle over health care reform has become a battle.  Even though the bill is now law, people are still taking their anger to the streets of America.  Since they could not stop the bill, their only recourse is to punish those Members of Congress who voted for the much hated legislation.

In a democracy, where civility and the rule of law truly matters, most Americans would take out their anger by helping to defeat offending Senators and Congressmen in the next cycle of elections. 

But we do not live in democratic America anymore.  We live in Rush Limbaugh’s, Glen Beck and Michele Bachman’s fascist world.  In their minds, and I am really being kind here by assuming any one of them have a mind, America should only have one political philosophy: theirs.  In their minds ideologies like liberalism and progressivism should be banned and destroyed.

In their minds and the minds of their followers, democracy and the process of democracy no longer matters.  When you can’t win at the ballot box you surely can win with dirty tricks, slander, lies and intimidation.  And violence.  Just ask Sarah Palin, the High Queen of Wickedness.

So now, in America, it is fashionable to call up congressmen and curse on the phone and leave messages that are as vile and toxic as one can imagine.  It is fashionable to congregate in front of the homes of congressmen and try to intimidate not just the congressmen but his wife and children as well.  And these walking, talking, breathing piles of horse shit dare call themselves Christian. 

And this will continue.  Can you imagine that if in November the Democrats do better than expected and maintain control of congress, what will these idiots do then?  What will they do if President Obama is re-elected in 2012?

If someone does not have the balls to stand up and stop Rush, Glen and Michelle and the rest of those fascists, we will see the twilight of our great democracy fade into the darkness of night and violence.