Posted: April 30, 2015 in Politics
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…the Bleacherman has entered the conversation…

God’s self-proclaimed defender, vomiter of paranoia and pitchman of all things Christian, Mike Huckabee, is back at it again.  Surprisingly – or maybe not – he has found a new reason to go forth into the valley of insanity to rally his troops and warn them of a very nasty fate.  

It is a fate far more damning than a trip to purgatory and far more cruel than eternal residency in hell.  According to the religious version of Chicken Little, awaiting all Christians if they do nothing to stop the latest, greatest and gayest threat to Christianity is jail.  The Huckster has a new battle cry  “The homosexuals are at the gates!  Stop them now or all good Christians will be sent to prison for being good Christians.”

The King  of religious paranoia believes that if the United States Supreme Court rules in favor of same-sex marriage, then the obvious and almost automatic next step would be for the courts and state legislators to immediately begin to criminalize Christianity.  He tells his flock that if same-sex marriage becomes legal than pastors,  ministers and the likes would be forced to officiate at same-sex marriage ceremonies.  

Big Mke continues his onslaught of lies and egregious misrepresentations by saying that if the ministers and pastors refuse to officiate at same sex marriages, then the State would then soon have the right to file criminal charges against them.

(Is it me or does it seem as if the  Huckster’s comments are becoming more obscene, more outrageous and more inflammatory and poisonous then ever before?)

The scary part of all this is that the Homophobic States of America believe this shit being sold by the Huckster.

The man has gone off the edge. He equates commercial gay conversion therapy, the type offered by  mind therapists and witch doctors, with counseling offered by men and women of the cloth.  He tells his mindless flock of worshipers that Big Brother will tell chaplains to put their bibles away and stop praying in Jesus’ name.  

(Ah, what a blessing that would be if only true.   How wonderful a world it would be if the Bibles, Torahs, Korans and all other reported renditions of God’s word were indeed put away and not promoted as the authentic, exclusive and the only way to something called salvation. Ah, the lives that would be saved, the war that need not be fought.)

Huckabee is being deceitful, dishonest and his obsession with stirring up the Christian stew goes far beyond the limits of proper conduct from a man of God.  The man plain out lies.  He believes himself to be the modern day reincarnation of King Richard the Lionhearted Crusader and is running around the country trying to build an army and engage in the next crusade to eliminate all other religions and bring Christianity and nothing but Christianity to Washington, D.C..

God help us.

…the Bleacherman has left the conversation…

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